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HuManities Monday August - Voting Over Time Presented by Liz Tentarelli

New London, NH (August 19) - Join Center for the Arts (CFA) next Monday starting at 5:30pm, for the August installment of HuManities Mondays. This month League of Women Voters of NH President Liz Tentarelli will lead the group in a night of exploration of New Hampshire’s voting history and voting rights along with learning about current election law. This event will be held at Whipple Hall in New London. 

The evening will have an interactive experience where attendees will create an “avatar” for the evening which will eventually be granted suffrage as Tentarelli guides those in attendance through the history of voting rights and restrictions. There will be an opportunity to take one of the old voting literacy tests to see if those in attendance could have passed the restrictive tests and obtained voter registration. Tentarelli will also lead a discussion on current election law in NH alongside local election law expert Nancy Marashio. 

Here is a description provided by Tentarelli:

“What did it feel like to be a woman in 1870, politically aware but unable to vote? Or a Native American a hundred years later denied the right to vote because your reservation didn't use street addresses? Were you old enough to vote when John F. Kennedy ran for President? We'll try to put ourselves in others' shoes as we look at some key moments in the history of voting rights in the United States, periods when voting eligibility expanded because of activists fighting for their rights, and times when despite the law, local election officials were determined to keep those ‘others’ from casting ballots.”

The evening promises to be an educational experience on historical voting rights, voter repression, and suffrage throughout American history as well as an informative evening for learning about current election law. With it being a presidential election year, this event could not come at a more important time. Be sure to mark your calendars for August 19, starting at 5:30pm.

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