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Garrett Evans



My name is Garrett Evans. I live in South Sutton, NH with my wife and Jack Russell terrier Ember. I work as a Cad Technician by day, have degrees in Forestry and Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeology. I volunteer in town on the fire department, and other town committees. By night, I am an astrophotographer. I have always loved the out of doors and the beauty of nature. I have tinkered with photography my entire life, but the advent of digital photography and the evolution of photo editing software reignited my interest. This interest transformed into a passion to capture the wonders of the night sky, to take photographs that evoke emotion in the eye of the viewer. I enjoy photographing everything from the night sky, landscapes and wildlife. I travel far and wide, often driving hours, to capture the perfect moment, the beauty of the Milky Way, the Aurora Borealis, meteors or my favorite birds. The art of photography allows me to use my creative mind and free spirit to think and work “outside the box" and to be inspired by the wonder and beauty of our universe and planet and capture it to share with others.

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