Center for the Arts Guilds
The Center for the Arts (CFA) offers Guilds for literary, performing, and visual artists.
Each guild offers Arts Education.
Programs per year
People in the region
In scholarship funds
awarded in past three years
In artist gross sales for 2023
Community Comments
"Words cannot express how thankful I am for your support these past few years. I am honored to know an organization such as this, and I am beyond grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship."
- Mak Eldridge
"I am struck by your work with this community in finding ways to bring the arts into the lives of children and adults."
- John Peterman
"We had such a wonderful evening at the New London Inn listening to Rebecca Rule's country humor... thanks to everyone involved for your hard work organizing these presentations."
- Mike and Jody
News & Narratives
Discover CFA
New London Barn Playhouse, Carroll Concrete, Floorcraft, InterTown Record, New London Inn, Mascoma Bank, Spring Ledge Farm, Better Homes & Garden Real Estate-Milestone Real Estate, Ledyard bank, Old Hampshire Design, Sotheby's Four Seasons Real Estate, Sugar River Bank, Dr. Donna Reed/Appletree Opticians